Clan History -------------------------- In the slums of Medienne, along the south wall, a gnome and an ent grew up poor and hard. At night, they shivered in a ramshackle hovel in South Medienne. Instead of lullabies and parental comfort, they had the rhythmic clacking of the restless dead patrolling the graveyard on the other side of the wall which supported their hovels to comfort and soothe their nightmares. Their childhoods had little in the way of luxury. Even the bare necessities were often sparse, and many was the night where they fed themselves off fawns, bear cubs and the occasional wild boar trapped outside the gates, while their parents drank rotgut at the Rusty Nail and whined about the price of firewood.
The ent, stunted and small for her race, learned the art of negotiation from older, wiser crooks in the Nail. A club to the knee, a fist to the kidney, the occasional corpse tumbled into the Medienne Town Dump: she learned these arts as other, more well-off children learned reading, writing and 'rithmetic. Her only rule was that she never laid a hand on anyone who wasn't in 'The Game'. Honest citizens who never played dice, never borrowed money, never cheated a fence... these people had nothing to fear from this vermillion- tressed entess. Her boss, Shadow, had a saying about his customers: "Think nobody cares about you? Miss a payment and see." For years, the vermillion- haired entess and her gnomish compatriot were Shadows' version of a polite reminder. The gnome explained, in excruciating detail, how hurt Shadow was that the customer didn't see fit to visit anymore, while the entess discovered new and fascinating ways to fracture bone.
After some years of being Shadow's collection team, the entess and the gnome had saved up enough to give up knee-breaking as a vocation, and open a shop of their own, the Player's Parlor. After giving Shadow a sizable gift to buy his acceptance of their new-found entrepreneurial spirit, the ent and the gnome built a shop in an unused storefront on the east side of Medienne, and began wandering the world in search of exotic fineries and esoteric rarities with which to stock their shop.
While they both come from the races of Light, the Ent and the Gnome both found that the mercy of the good rarely extends to the poor and the destitute. Vyans fed them and Goblins worked with them during the hard days, while righteous Gnomes preached how hard work overcame poverty, and hunger enhanced drive to succeed. Such drivel is only preached by the well-nourished and overly priviliged, and so, with their first platinum earned after they bought an abandoned storefront in Medienne, they set up a kettle of soup, a couch upon which to rest, and a training hall, open to those of all races, religions and creeds. All can rest in shade, eat their fill, and learn the skills needed to challenge the righteous and mighty. Similar to this is how the Guild thinks about membership: the Guild is there so that all may have a place to store their profits, but more, a family to support, and one who might support you in return. Family transcends good and evil, light and dark, and therefore, the Guild does the same with their membership.
Goals ----------------------- The goals of the Players are simple- cash is king. They grew up tough as a 2 copper steak, and all they want to do is make an honest platinum and explore the world. The Players explore to stock their shop, and also take commissions to acquire specific items of rarity or value for special customers.
Clan Hierarchy --------------------------- Both leadership positions are equal in power, and the clan has no real hierarchy other than this. The Ent and the Gnome formed this clan, and they or their descendents hold all claim to authority and disposition of profit. Each member will receive 75% of the commission for any item sold, with the remainder going to the coffers of the Clan.
Clan Rules -------------------- Do work. The Clan needs work to thrive, so bring in rare and valuable items for sale or on commission. Failure to do so for an arbitrary length of time determined by the Ent and the Gnome will result in termination of contract.
Don't steal. Seriously, we'll kneecap you and then kick you from the clan.
Don't be an asshole unless absolutely necessary.
Joining Requirements ------------------------ If both the Gnome and the Ent offer you a contract, you're hired. If not, the door is in that general direction: don't let it hit you where the good Gods split you.
Races Allowed -----------------------------------------------------
All races are allowed, as long as they stock the Store and look to the Guild's needs. Avarice cares not for morality: Pimp cares only for loyalty.