Online Players

[ ?? Ogr ] Ayrevir in BulliesBoTS
[ 90 Dru Ogr CL ] Bimgore tell me help for info on augments/shieldsBoTS
[ 90 Thi Gob ] Corde DRGN
[ ?? Vyn ] Daenti the vyan --
[ 90 War Hum ] Dancei nothing --
[ ?? Hum ] Dbivh the human --
[ ?? Hum ] Drulethan the humanBEST
[ 90 Ran Vyn ] Drythbezzel DRGN
[ 60 Mag Vyn ] Elese in Harkin's Finger --
[ 66 Leg Hum CL ] Elly is FollowingHRZN
[ 64 Brd Elf ] Eltrexx was leading in the WASTES... MADNESS!HRZN
[ ?? Gob ] Euphe back in CYCLOPS CAVERNS --
[ 90 Ran Hum ] Fung vote for TFE:
[ ?? Gob ] Gikgak.BEST
[ 63 Pal Dwf ] Hask running the Black Wastes.... alotHRZN
[ 21 Har Orc ] Kathaar H-O-T-T-O-R-C You can take me...Hott Orc.BoTS
[ ?? Vyn ] Katrian.BEST
[ ?? Vyn ] Mohoonay is idle.BoTS
[ ?? Ogr CL ] Nitia is following someoneDRGN
[ 68 War Vyn ] Noanya is following Hask --
[ 12 Rvr Hum ] Notho the humanBoTS
[ 65 Rvr Dwf CL ] Paulus is running The Black WastesHRZN
[ 88 Cle Ogr ] Rhock is following someoneDRGN
[ 90 Mag Vyn CL ] Senahl tell me Magic info for a list of things I might doHRZN
[ ?? Vyn CL ] Taldoran.BEST
[ 86 Mon Liz ] Thalos is idleDRGN
[ ?? Hum CL ] Thullkor the humanDRGN
[ 85 Mon Ogr ] Uni is manning the Walls of NarakDRGN
[ 62 Dru Gnm ] Wurb to your momHRZN
[ ?? Hum ] Zebb is thiccc --
[ 31 Mon Trl ] Zorlax the troll --
[ 31 players | 38 high | 57 record ]