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Accounts Change – April 8th

The accounts concept will be returning to TFE on April 8th. See my in-game announcements notes for details.

The game will shut down at about 8 AM CDT (UTC-5) on April 8th.

Accounts will be created automatically. Your characters will be grouped into an account based on the email address on the character.

Your account name and password will be the same as your most recently logged in character’s name and password.

To access the game you will enter your account name and password, then enter the name of the character you wish to play.

Your account name will be public on each character via the ‘whois’ command unless you set the incognito option on those characters.

See the other note for more details. If you have trouble accessing your characters during the transition, try the recovery menu first, then email tfe /at/ with your character name(s) for help.



New IP Address

The IP address of our server changed today. Host names should be updated but if you are having trouble, the new IP is:


Want to Support TFE?

We’ve had some questions about how people can support TFE as I haven’t added any donation links to the website. I’ve now added a “Support TFE” page which contains links to two ways you can support us.

We do accept paypal donations to help offset server costs, but we also have partnered with our web host to receive affiliate commissions for every sale we send them. If you’re looking for web, radio, or VPS hosting please consider Websavers.



Hey folks. We’ve been stable on the new server for a while, so there’s some things I want to share with you that we’re working on (in no particular order, and not all things will ever happen / nor are they all particularly feasible).

– SSL Secured access to the MUD (Via stunnel or other means) – We bought the cert, let’s use the crap out of it!
– MUD / Forum Noteboard integration
– Improved MUD/Email integration: The ability to reply to a MUDMail Forwarded to Email and have it go back to the person who sent it to you (Email and MUDMail)
– Additional information (ability lists, etc) on the website.
Many, many, many more…



Since we’re asking you to put your credentials into our fancy-shmancy forums system, we figured the least we can do is protect them for you. To that end, ALL web traffic with our server is now SSL encrypted. Enjoy the safety!



Well, it’s been over three days straight and we’re still going strong, so I would like to take this moment to formally declare stability has returned to TFE. We’re running on our new server and compiling cleanly under a more modern version of GCC (4.4.7), with a smaller memory footprint than ever before. Building has recommenced and we continue to press forward to modernizing our ancient game. Maybe by the end of 2013 we can bring TFE into the year 2000!


Server Update

Monday, April 29th 2013: 1pm EST

TFE is back up and running. Thanks all for your patience and, if you weren’t patient, at least for your understanding. A huge thank you to Pato for his coding mastery and getting us running again in the new environment. We MIGHT still have to roll back our pfiles to April 27th’s backup, but we’re hoping not to. We’ll only know based on the results we see with vigorous testing, and there’s no more vigorous test than letting you all back on to do what you do so well (you know, break it).

Thank you!!
